Narellan Community Congregational Church (NCCC) is affiliated with the Fellowship of Congregational Churches (FCC). While we affirm the Apostles’ and Nicene creeds, and the FCC Statement of Faith, we reflect together on and teach from the following statement, adapted from a model created by theologian Roger E. Olsen.
It is important to understand this statement of faith is not a creed or instrument of accountability but an expression of general doctrinal agreement.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is God, Saviour and Lord of all creation; he is the perfect revelation of God as well as God incarnate, the only mediator between God and humanity.
We believe in the omnipotent God who eternally exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit: three divine persons sharing one eternal divine life and being. God is the creator of all whose rule knows no end.
We believe that human persons are created in God’s image and likeness but that all persons (except Jesus Christ) come into the world under the curse of sin and need redemption when they attain the age of accountability.
We believe the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ provide the only redemption from sin and that Christ died for all people; reconciliation and new life connected to God are possible only through his death and resurrection.
Salvation by Grace
We believe that salvation is by God’s grace alone through faith and that people cannot save themselves by works of righteousness but that works of righteousness are products of the Holy Spirit who indwells believers by faith.
We believe that authentic Christian life begins with conversion to Christ which involves repentance and faith in him; conversion to Christ results in justification (forgiveness) and regeneration (new birth). These are gifts that cannot be earned or inherited.
Scripture and Creeds
We believe that the sixty-six books of Holy Scripture are inspired by God’s Spirit and are the sole supreme authority under God for Christian believing and living; Jesus Christ is the norm by which we interpret Scripture. Creeds and confessional statements are not instruments of doctrinal accountability but expressions of common faith under the authority of Christ and Scripture.
The Church
We believe that the church was instituted by Jesus Christ to be the people of God and is made up of all true believers regardless of race, gender, age or station in life; the church visible is the local congregation of believers.
The Lord’s Return and Last Things
We believe that Jesus Christ will return to raise all the dead, judge people and nations, consign Satan and his followers to hell and bring into heaven all who believe in him by faith.
Sexuality and Marriage
We believe, on the basis of biblical teaching and together with the vast majority of Christians throughout the ages, that sex is intended by God solely for marriage between one man and one woman.
Congregational Distinctives
We stand within the evangelical, Reformed and Congregational traditions. One of the key distinctives of Congregationalism is the autonomy of the local church. We maintain that, through the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, all churches govern themselves and are independent, separate to any ecclesiastical authority.
However, while we are autonomous, this does not mean that we are isolated. Instead, we fellowship wth each other for accountability, encouragement and further equipping for gospel ministry. This co-operation finds expression in the FCC’s Annual Assemblies, its committees, camps, conferences and other events.
We believe in two ordinances instituted by Christ to be observed by his people until he returns: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.